I’m still alive!

In the words of Monty Python, “I’m not dead yet!”

Next month it will be six years of me being metastatic. In my cancer support groups, I’m starting to feel like a “long hauler”. When I first joined these groups, there were members who seemed to be defying the odds and they were a big source for inspiration. It’s been sad and sobering to see these women literally dying off over these past years. I recently looked up one of my early inspirations in the group. She was a long hauler with liver mets with the same subtype as me. I had chatted with her in the group back in July. She was definitely struggling and was hoping to make it to Christmas. She was over eleven years with liver mets. My recent googling sadly found her obituary. She died about a week before Christmas. They had a nice video about her on the obituary site that I watched. Even though I never met her or talked to her in person, I felt like I did know her a bit and understood some things about her life. I feel a little like I lost a friend.

Prior to this post, it’s been over three years since I last wrote here. I guess I’ve been busy living and honestly, I hope that trends continues.

[UPDATE] Happy New Year 2025!

I am now coming up on eight years since my MBC diagnosis in February, 2017. Modern medicine is amazing!